Home Affairs Committee report slams NUS leadership

Yesterday saw the release of the Home Affairs Select Committee’s (HASC) report into antisemitism in the UK, which included a significant section on campus antisemitism. While this section began by detailing the controversy around Oxford University Labour Club, as well as Baroness Royall’s report into the matter, the focus was on the National Union of […]

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Baroness Royall’s report into antisemitism released

Baroness Jan Royall’s report, which was leaked today, claims individual members of the Oxford University Labour Club (OULC) “did engage in anti-Semitic acts”. However, Baroness Royall also wrote that she does not, “believe that there is institutional antisemitism within OULC”, rather, “difficulties”, which face the OULC. Allegations of antisemitism in the OULC came to light […]

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