Ambassador Programme

About the Programme

Passionate about current affairs and politics? Want to confront extremism but feel the regressive left are silencing critique? We want to hear from you!

We're looking for students - current or incoming - who are dedicated to human rights, free speech and challenging prejudice.

As a Student Rights Ambassador, you will:

  1. Be given tailored training and mentorship for activism work that will equip you with the necessary skills to promote debate and challenge extremism at your university.
  2. Coordinate two events per term (a stall, speaker or debate) and provide regular feedback on issues related to extremism on your campus (controversial speakers, student union motions, protests etc.)
  3. Join a network of young like-minded activists across the UK, passionate about free & fair debate, combatting bigotry, and defending liberal humanistic values. We will host meet-ups, socials and exciting speaker events during term breaks - this is something you don't want to miss!

Our successful ambassadors will also be fast-tracked to the interview stage of The Henry Jackson Society's prestigious internship programme.

How to Apply

Write a short piece (approx. 500 words) on either question below:

  • What is the greatest extremist threat on campus and why?
  • Should there ever be limits to free speech at universities and if so, where do they lie?

Submit your piece and your CV to: [email protected]

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Successful applicants will be contacted to participate in a Skype interview.