TIME: 13:00 – 14:00, 27th April 2017
VENUE: Westminster TBC
Emma Webb, Author, Spotting The Signs
Nicola Benyahia, Founder, Families for Life
Sean Arbuthnot, Co-founder, Tadris Consultants
To register your interest, or for any further information, please email [email protected]
Many of those who have travelled from the United Kingdom to join terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq had recent connections to higher education, or were students at the time of travel. These individuals pose a potential risk to the UK, as those who have fought or trained abroad have been disproportionately involved in the most serious Islamist terrorist offences in the UK, and may continue to recruit vulnerable individuals.
The Henry Jackson Society is delighted to invite you to an event to launch our latest report: Spotting The Signs of Extremism: Identifying Vulnerability to Radicalisation Among Students. Our speakers will be Emma Webb, author of the report; Nicola Benyahia, who tragically lost her son to ISIS extremism in Syria; and Sean Arbuthnot, an expert in counter-extremism and the PREVENT strategy. They will address vital questions of how to protect Britain’s vulnerable young people from being sucked into extremism, what support we can offer families and how to address this worrying trend.