Universities UK unknowingly plays host to Hizb Ut-Tahrir

It has been revealed that Jamal Harwood, a spokesman for the British branch of the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, was invited to give a talk earlier this year at the London headquarters of Universities UK.His talk, entitled “Is the Caliphate a viable alternative for the Middle East?”, took place in April 2017 at the Woburn House Conference […]

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London’s Palestine Expo reveals weaknesses of the UK’s counter-extremism strategy

Last weekend (8-9 July), Palestine Expo 2017 took place at the QEII Centre, a government owned building in the heart of Westminster. Many thousands attended a series of events intended to celebrate Palestinian culture. In practice, the conference also served as a platform for controversial speakers with a history of extremism. The Communities Minister Sajid […]

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Salford Student President who opposes Prevent reveals troubling views on social media

The news that Salman Abedi, the Manchester bomber, was briefly a student at Salford University between 2014 and 2016, has attracted a large amount of media attention. Questions have been raised about the extent of the university’s provision of staff training in extremism as well as their awareness of Abedi’s increasingly radical views, his frequent […]

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Controversial group CAGE uses Facebook to ‘suggest’ advertisement

Student Rights recently received a ‘suggested video’ on Facebook from CAGE, the controversial prisoner lobby group, which was entitled ‘10 Reasons to donate to CAGE’. The video lists some of these reasons, including their belief that they speak “truth to power”, “campaign against Prevent”, “[defend] the oppressed”, “give a voice to the voiceless” and “[do] […]

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Student Islamic Societies Raise Money for Controversial Islamic Charity

A controversial charity with alleged ties to extremism is appealing for money from students and Islamic student societies to build mosques abroad. As part of a fundraising initiative during Ramadan, a partnership entitled ‘The Mosque Project’, managed by the Ummah Welfare Trust (UWT) in partnership with a number of student Islamic societies, aims to build […]

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Durham students handed leaflets encouraging terrorism by banned Islamist preacher

As part of their ‘Discover Islam’ week, Durham University Islamic Society (DUISOC) has distributed leaflets written by Dr. Zakir Naik, an Islamist preacher banned from the UK in 2010. The leaflet in question, entitled ‘Answers to Non-Muslims’ Common Questions About Islam’, arguesthat “every Muslim should be a terrorist to anti-social elements in society”. He goes […]

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Former Chief Prosecutor’s Comments on Prevent Resonate After London Attacks

Last Saturday, Nazir Afzal OBE, Former Chief Crown Prosecutor for the North-West of England and Chief Executive of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, spoke to The Times. Afzal confirmed the findings of much of our previous research, namely that a host of organisations within the Muslim community have been conspiring to undermine trust […]

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Student Rights on campus at Sheffield University

On Tuesday 25th April, National Organiser Elliot gave a presentation on the Government’s Counter-extremism policy Prevent at the University of Sheffield’s Conservative Association. The talk started with a discussion of the different types of Extremist groups we find on campus and what makes them problematic. Afterwards Elliot set out how to challenge the myths and […]

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Report Launch: Spotting the Signs of Extremism

TIME: 13:00 – 14:00, 27th April 2017 VENUE: Westminster TBC SPEAKERS Emma Webb, Author, Spotting The Signs Nicola Benyahia, Founder, Families for Life Sean Arbuthnot, Co-founder, Tadris Consultants To register your interest, or for any further information, please email [email protected] #HJSevents Many of those who have travelled from the United Kingdom to join terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq […]

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